Global Software Development Company

Walden Global Services delivers innovative IT solutions and software development for your business.

Find out more about WGS

AGILE 360°

Project, Agile and Managed Services

WGS delivers a combination of IT consultation, custom software development, and IT resource outsourcing services to large enterprises for their digital transformation journey. Our solutions cut across various industries and our expertise covered many technologies.


Empower Digital Transformation

At WGS, we empower digital transformation by continually raising the bar. Our vast experience in multiple industries across the globe has enabled us to keep challenging ourselves to innovate through technology. We are a leading Enterprise Digital Transformation Consultant & Integrator, specializing in software solutions and application delivery & managed services.

Find out more about WGS

We are one global team

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750 +


250 +




We are proud to have helped businesses across industries, consulting from start-ups to blue chip global enterprises, to achieve their strategic goals.


25+ Countries

250+ Clients


WGS Holding




WGS Partnerships


Success Story

I've been impressed with the work you are doing: 1. Speed and quality of code produced. 2. Knowledge of rails and working to standard patterns. 3. Use of initiative when spec hasn't covered an area properly. 4. You ask questions when you're unsure and get on with it when you know what you're doing. Thanks and keep up the good work.

George Palmer Rails Speaker & Expert, Founder of SendOwl

WGS's work has been exemplary throughout the life of the project so far, and I look forward to working with you all on this and other projects in the near future!

Tomas Apodaca Application and Data Specialist of The Asia Foundation

We’re satisfied with the quality and timeliness of your deliverables. We’re considering to use your services again.

Thachatat Kuvarakul Renewable Energy Advisor of Asean RE

Man you guys are impressive.. very professional…

Neil Cresswell Managing Director & CTO of Indonesian Cloud

So far your service has been good and the deliverable for both time and quality aligned well with our expectation.

Agustinus Pambudi System and Infrastructure Development Head of Showa

Project completed on time with professional people. Quick response and support anytime from the WGS Team. Keep your good work!

Monica Fecilia Lesmana Corporate Communication of PT. United Tractors

Thank you, the update went fine and we had zero issues on this package. Nice work.

Victor Moreau Senior Software Engineer of PT. Sophie Paris Indonesia

Thank you for your help in deploying the website on Friday. We are all very excited that it is up - now we need to get it ready for a large number of visitors.

Andy Roberts CEO & Co-Founder of Maxuri

We are very excited and happy to see the App finally in the wild. The first reviews are very positive (except the one who is complaining. But he's one of these guys who probably always complains about everything because what he writes is simply not true). Thank you all and feel hugged (Just if you like, of course)

Dirk Ziegener Etecture

With reference to the ASEAN Guideline Platform which WGS earlier developed for us, we’ve decided to add new features to this web platform. We’re satisfied with the quality and timeliness of your deliverables last time. Considering also that you worked on this platform from the beginning, we’re considering to use your services again.

Thachatat Kuvarakul Renewable Energy Advisor of Asean RE

Terima kasih WGS untuk support dan kerja samanya selama ini. Semoga service WGS kedepan selalu makin lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi. Terima kasih juga untuk update desain-nya.

Yulius Malik Head of ICT for e-Business Department of Kompas Gramedia

I’m happy with all the work on the Admin (CI) features. I’m happy with Mobile Applications Blackberry. I’m also satisfied with the performance of the BB app from the Video demo provided. I’m happy with the work done on Mobile Application (Java).

Themba Shinoksana Luckysters

My communications with WGS are good. I understand that English is WGS second language but haven’t had any difficulties. In terms of actual development, on the whole I’ve been quite happy. WGS developers are as I would expect, quite efficient at making the changes. WGS teamwork between all the members on their side has been wonderful, it has really shown efficiency towards the development process. I praise WGS on that.

Bed on Boats Bed on Boats

I wanted to tell you, you have done an amazing job and I really appreciate everything you have done. I have VERY HAPPY!!! Nice work

Keith Hardwicke K&L Consulting

Just to follow up with you with more specific details about the next few months. Over the last few weeks we have noticed that your code quality is very high and that you are able deliver features very quickly.

KeepMeBooked KeepMeBooked

I want to take the chance to congratulate you for the work you are doing lately. I wasn't sure we could turn alive the application with you, but now I feel confident we can do it. Thanks, and keep doing a nice job

ImproMastering ImproMastering

This is awesome! Thank you for all of your hard work -- I really appreciate all the effort you guys put towards this project and I'm looking forward to working with you guys again

Marc Held of Weft

Awesome job. Thanks WGS Team. It really is one of the cleanest applications I've seen on the first pass. I'm impressed.

Janice Litvin ConnectNet

You are a legend WGS team, thank you! You did a wonderful job with the development!

Southside Animal Hospital Southside Animal Hospital

Overall sih great, tidak ada masalah. Cepat sekali juga kerjanya. Saya juga mengerti delay karena dari pihak saya ada banyak perubahan - perubahan konsep / design. Dan tim WGS hebat setiap meng-handle perubahan / revisi.

Chandra Kasihdiskon

Setelah sebulan ini kita bekerja sama, mumu.id ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas support yang telah diberikan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Saya harap kedepannya kerja sama kita akan berlangsung baik tanpa ada masalah apapun dan tim WGS dapat membantu tim mumu.id dengan memberikan masukan ataupun pelajaran untuk membuat mumu.id menjadi lebih baik dari yang ada saat ini.

Teuku Ilham F. Akbar IT Manager of Mumu Indonesia

Proyek ini berhasil kita selesaikan bersama-sama lebih cepat 1 bulan dari jadwal development milestone ini. Berkat kerja keras tim keberhasilan ini patut kita syukuri. Perjalanan kita masih panjang dalam menyelesaikan proyek ini. Harapannya tentu saja semuanya bisa berjalan dengan lebih baik lagi dan bisa selesai sampai akhir dengan baik. Terima kasih untuk dukungan & kerja sama tim WGS selama ini.

Yustina Suryanti Business Application Management of Nutrifood

Kami sangat berterima kasih dan memberikan apresiasi besar untuk respon yang cepat terhadap kami. Dengan adanya perubahan layanan yang diberikan oleh team WGS terhadap internal KP, maka kamipun berharap untuk keberlangsungan kerjasama kita dapat berjalan dengan baik dan berjalan secara long term.

Stephanus Business Development of Kreditplus

After approximately 1.5 years, today we eventually achieve one successful project milestones. I would like to express my gratitude to all colleagues who are involved in this team. All aid is granted, regardless large and small, long and short, everything means a lot and that was all that brought us to this point. Thank you and keep the spirit.

Yustina Suryanti Business Application Management of Nutrifood

As all the team already knows, that our project has entered the support period. Apart from all the shortcomings that exist, me and my friends here are lifitng our hats for WGS because you can deliver this project within a considerably short time. The provided teamwork and support are quite responsive and dependable. Hopefully this positivity can continue up into the support period and do not forget that our work is still not finished because Phase 2 of the project is already waiting in sight. Again, I thank you very much for the efforts of all the peers at WGS.

Denny Business Process Analyst of Astra International

We're happy with your team's progress and want to ensure that the items they're working on as we go into the next sprint are recorded in the same sprint as the Midnight team.

Tom Schofield General Manager of Midnight Evergreen

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Cybersecurity Essentials: Protecting Your Data with Imperva

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Modernizing Legacy Systems: Enhancing Operational Efficiency with AS/400 Software and Rocket Software

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Bagaimana Whale AI Copilot Membantu Prediksi Perilaku Kon...

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Unleashing the Power of IT Service Management (ITSM): A Comprehensive Guide

What is ITSM? IT Service Management (ITSM) is a systemati...

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IT Outsourcing Challenges: Finding the Right Partner for Your Organization

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5 Pilihan Business Process Management (BPM) Software Low-...

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Adam Meyers dari CrowdStrike Akan Bersaksi di Kongres Men...

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Malware Tersembunyi dalam Video Telegram dan Langkah Prev...

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The Importance of IT Asset Management and Why Your Business Needs It

The Importance of IT Asset Management and Why Your Busine...

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WGS’ Team Participate In Couchbase Partner Workshop

WGS Team attended The Couchbase Partner Workshop, this ev...

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AGILE DEVELOPMENT : Is This the Right Choice for Your Business?

WATERFALL METHOD VS AGILE METHOD In the world of software...

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COUCHBASE – Tired of Slow Database?

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Celah Peretasan PDN dengan Password ‘Admin#1234’, Penting...

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Discover Seamless Operations: An Introduction to APPIAN BPM

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Menilik Perbedaan Startup Studio Dan Inkubator, Founder W...

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Sea-Lion, Model Bahasa AI Khas Asia Tenggara yang Dilirik...

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WGSHub dan Super Rarity Kolaborasi dan Bawa Inovasi NFT k...

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Punya Proyek AI? Dalami 5 Bahasa Pemrograman yang Digunak...

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Google Perkenalkan Gemini dengan Varian Ultra, Pro, dan N...

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Microsoft 365 Copilot Resmi Dirilis untuk Pengguna Enterp...

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Friday, November 15,2023


Hey, Father's Day is coming up..


What are you getting.. Oh, oops sorry dude.


Customer Services

Nah, it's cool.


Well you should get your Dad a cologne. Here smell it. Oh wait! ...




Hey, Father's Day is coming up..


What are you getting.. Oh, oops sorry dude.
