
Appian Partner Indonesia - Business Process Management (BPM) Software Solution

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Appian BPM




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Appian Partner Indonesia - Business Process Management (BPM) Software Solution

Appian offers a low-code platform for building workflow systems with multi-level approvals. This platform helps businesses automate business processes, expedite approval times, and improve efficiency.

Some sample of use case can be tackled by BPM :

1. Loan Origination System (LOS)

Traditionally, loan approvals in Indonesia have been a lengthy process, often taking up to 14 business days. This delay not only frustrates customers but also hinders banks from capitalizing on potential business opportunities. Appian's LOS revolutionizes this process, enabling banks to reduce loan approval times to a mere 2-3 days. This allows banks to convert leads to customers much faster.

The Indonesian credit landscape is characterized by a variety of loan products, each with unique application forms and document requirements. To accommodates this diversity, this system allowing banks to manage a wide range of credits, including:

  • Kredit Usaha Rakyat Mikro Kecil Menengah (KUR): Micro, small, and medium enterprise loans
  • Credit Card: Credit card applications
  • Personal Loan (KTA): Personal loan applications
  • Kredit Kepemilikan Rumah (KPR): Mortgage applications
  • Kredit Modal Usaha: Business capital loans

With Integrated Document Management eliminates the need for manual document handling, significantly reducing the risk of errors and delays. The system seamlessly integrates with various internal and external systems, including:

  • Internal Systems: Integrate with existing internal systems to retrieve customer data, verify employment information, and access other relevant documents.
  • Third-party Applications: Leverage third-party applications, such as Optical -Character Recognition (OCR) and Digital Signature, to automate document processing and enhance security.
  • Bank Indonesia Credit Scoring: Integrate with Bank Indonesia's credit scoring system to obtain real-time creditworthiness assessments.
  • OJK Reporting: Automatically generate and submit reports to the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), the Indonesian financial services authority, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • National Blacklist System: Check against the National Blacklist System to identify potential credit risks.

Dynamic Form Management empowers banks to dynamically manage application forms and document checklists, ensuring that they always align with evolving policies and customer needs. The system's form master template serves as a central repository, allowing for rapid modifications and updates. This dynamic approach ensures that banks can adapt to changing requirements without disrupting their loan origination processes.

2. New Employee Onboarding : By automating various aspects of onboarding, companies can save valuable time and resources while ensuring a smooth and positive transition for new hires.

Key Benefits of BPM-Powered Onboarding:

  • Automated Employee Onboarding Forms: Eliminate paper-based forms and streamline the collection of employee information, including documents, with automated online forms.
  • Real-time Integration with Document Management Systems: Seamlessly integrate the onboarding process with the company's internal document management system, enabling real-time document storage and retrieval, eliminates the need for manual document handling and ensures that new employees have immediate access to essential documents.
  • Dynamic Form Management: Adapt onboarding forms and document checklists in real-time to reflect changes in company policies, regulations, or employee requirements.
  • Automated Welcome Emails and Handbooks: Trigger automated welcome emails upon new employee onboarding, providing them with a warm welcome and essential information, such as company policies, benefits, and contact details.
  • Automated Supervisor Notifications: Notify supervisors or managers of new employee onboarding, ensuring that they are aware of new team members and can provide timely support and guidance.

3. New Product Launch (NPL) : The new product launch process is a six-stage journey, starting with brainstorming ideas through market research and competitor analysis. Once a promising concept is identified, the product is meticulously defined with features and functionalities outlined in a PRD. Prototyping allows for user feedback to refine the initial design before rigorous testing with real users ensures the product meets their needs. Finally, with a confident design and secured funding, the product is commercialized through marketing, sales, and distribution efforts.

This process usually requires supervisor approval, such as:

  • Authorization Check: The supervisor meticulously verifies their authorization to approve the NPL prototype request.
  • Digital Signature and Document Submission: Upon approval, the supervisor digitally signs the approval document and submits it to the system for secure storage.
  • Integration with Document Management System: The approved document is integrated into the company's document management system for efficient storage and retrieval.
  • ERP Sample Integration: The approved sample information is meticulously integrated into the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to track inventory, production, and financial aspects of the prototype.
  • Finance Approval for Prototype Production: The approval request is then forwarded to the finance department for their meticulous evaluation and final approval of funds for prototype production.

The streamlined NPL approval process, integrated with the overall NPL workflow, effectively streamlines the evaluation and authorization of prototype production requests. This ensures adherence to financial regulations, risk management protocols, and production standards. By leveraging digital signatures, document management systems, and ERP integration, the process enhances efficiency, transparency, and traceability throughout the NPL lifecycle. Regular reviews and updates of the process are essential to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with evolving business needs.

4. Sales Canvassing: Sales canvassing, the process of reaching out to new, untapped markets, can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive endeavor. Appian's Business Process Management (BPM) platform streamlines and automates the entire canvassing process, from initial outreach to mass production, empowering businesses to achieve significant efficiency and effectiveness gains within their sales teams.

These include automated workflows for lead generation and qualification, personalized outreach materials and communication, and dynamic routing and assignment of qualified leads to the most relevant sales representatives. Further, a centralized data repository offers a consolidated view of customer information, interaction history, and purchase preferences.

Real-time data analytics dashboards provide valuable insights into campaign performance, lead conversion rates, and sales representative productivity, enabling data-driven optimization of sales strategies.


Appian's BPM: A Comprehensive Solution with Advanced Features, offers a range of advanced features that enhance its ability to automate and optimize business processes:

1. Appian AI Engine: Leveraging artificial intelligence, Appian's AI Engine empowers businesses to extract meaningful insights from data, automate decision-making, and continuously improve process performance. This includes capabilities such as:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Extract information from unstructured text data, such as emails, documents, and customer feedback.
  • Machine Learning (ML): Build predictive models to forecast trends, identify patterns, and automate risk assessments.
  • Intelligent Document Recognition (IDR): Recognize and extract data from various document formats, including handwritten text, images, and scanned documents.

2.Paperless Approval: Eliminate the need for paper-based approvals by enabling digital signatures and electronic document workflows. This streamlines the approval process, reduces costs, and promotes environmental sustainability.

3. Dynamic Forms: Adapt application forms and document checklists in real-time to reflect changing policies, customer needs, and regulatory requirements. This ensures that processes remain compliant and efficient.

4. Notifications, Schedulers, and Reminders: Keep stakeholders informed and tasks on track with automated notifications, schedulers, and reminders. This enhances collaboration, reduces errors, and improves overall process efficiency.

5. Progress Tracking: Provide real-time visibility into process progress, allowing users to monitor the status of tasks, identify bottlenecks, and make informed decisions. This promotes transparency and accountability.

6. Integration with Third-party Engines: Seamlessly integrate with various third-party engines, such as optical character recognition (OCR) and digital signature solutions, to extend the functionality of Appian's BPM platform.

7. No-Code Development: Appian's low-code development approach empowers users with minimal coding experience to design, build, and deploy business process applications. This accelerates development, reduces reliance on IT resources, and democratizes process automation.

Appian's BPM platform stands out as a comprehensive solution that not only automates and optimizes business processes but also leverages advanced AI capabilities, embraces paperless workflows, and promotes collaboration through notifications and progress tracking. Its no-code development approach further enhances its accessibility and empowers businesses to rapidly adapt to changing needs.
